5 Things nobody told you about Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are assumed to be ‘metamorphic remnants’. Do you also believe that? Probably yes or maybe no. Some also said that they were useful to our distant descendants who consumed diets that comprised of rougher foods like sticks and stalk plants. Once teeth weaken or come to blew, wisdom teeth replenished replacements.
Importance of Straight Teeth and Jaws in the daily life of a Human being.
The teeth and jaw are very important features that define the look of a human face, which means if they look bad or abnormal, there is a high chance the face will look quite unpleasant. This is the major reason why people try to make their teeth straight and their jaws in the right condition. …
Dental Plaque vs Tartar
Can you differentiate dental plaque and tartar? Here is some information for you to learn more of this two. Plaque is the tacky, clear film that always builds on your teeth. If plaque is not taking out frequently by tooth brushing and flossing, it hardens to form tartar. Tartar cannot be getting rid with a toothbrush. Just a dental specialized can remove it throughout an oral cleaning.
You are Never Too Old For Invisalign!
Is there a maximum age at which you can’t undergo an invisalign treatment? Well the honest truth is it doesn’t really matter if you are a young vibrant teenager, an over 50 stay at home mum or a young ambitious professional, looking good and having the perfect set of teeth that gives you a confident smile is important for all and it can be achieved no matter your age.