Dental Appliances

Dental appliances are devices used by your dentist to help treat your dental problems.

A dental appliance is any device that helps maintain your dental health, either long-term or short-term. It can range from braces, retainers, dental crowns, and fillings,

Dental appliances are available from permanent to prosthetic or removable fixtures. These are essential to help move, support, or even replace your teeth.

Orthognathic Surgery

Did you know that 20% of people have severe facial growth deformities to a higher degree? You might find this alarming at first. A substantial facial defect isn’t always as easy as people may assume. For instance, what orthodontists deem crucial may have less to do with how you appear and more with how well your bite functions. For instance, an underbite or overbite may qualify as an extreme facial abnormality. It happens that you might not even notice it right away. You can go years without even knowing you have a facial abnormality.

Bite Alignment

There are several reasons why teeth and bites get out of alignment. It includes teeth that are too wide for your mouth or an unequal upper and lower jaw size. Many times, crooked teeth and improper bites are inherited. But they can also result from pacifier use, jaw injuries, thumb sucking, early loss of baby or adult teeth, and other factors.In addition to their unsightly appearance, crooked teeth can make it hard to keep them clean and increase the risk of developing cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.