When most people think about playing sports with their braces on, they excessively worry about the possibilities of getting injured. When you look at how braces work, you will begin to realize that the concerns are valid. Teeth braces are made using wires and brackets and when extra pressure is applied to these brackets and wires, the injury can be intensified and made worse. Moreover, there is the possibility that the braces themselves can be damaged slowing down the progress of treatment.
The teeth and jaw are very important features that define the look of a human face. This means if they look bad or abnormal, there is a high chance the face will look quite unpleasant.
Oral hygiene is not only important for the well-being of the teeth, it is also important for the well-being of a person. The mouth is the biggest and one of the most important gateways into our body; it allows in solids and liquids that are needed for the optimum performance of the organs of the body. Also, the mouth houses organs that influence the sound of our speech. Therefore, it is imperative that we take adequate care of this invaluable portal into the body.
The teeth is the most prominent member of our buccal cavity and they receive the most care and attention; however, a good oral hygiene should involve every organ or surface in the mouth. In other words, before you can say you practice good oral hygiene, you must have made it your habit to regularly clean your teeth, gums, and tongue.
Invisalign and traditional braces are both used for correcting crooked teeth or for teeth straightening. But the article presents some efficient reasons that why you choose an Invisalign for your teeth straightening.
The teeth is not only important for biting and chewing (making it invaluable for food digestion), it is also important for the appearance of the face and the sound of speech.
The winter holiday is a time of great joy, family reunion, family bonding, love, recreation, and a lot of food. However, out of all the exciting things that are ushered in by the winter holidays, food is the aspect that some people feel less excited about.
Invisalign and braces are both used by orthodontists to straighten teeth, but there are some differences between them. You may have heard different stories from people who have received braces treatment and those who have received Invisalign treatment and therefore find it quite hard to decide on the one to choose between the two treatments.
Orthodontists are dentists who have gone an extra-mile; they have returned to school to get additional knowledge and skills needed to solve all problems relating to teeth and jaw positioning and alignment.
Dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. It can happen when you are awake, when you are sleeping, when you are doing exercise, when you are taking, and when you are eating. It could cause a lot of pain, discomfort, and bleeding.