Orthodontists are dentists who have gone an extra-mile; they have returned to school to get additional knowledge and skills needed to solve all problems relating to teeth and jaw positioning and alignment.
What are the uses and benefits of orthodontics?
- Improve your smile
- Improves your appearance
- Boosts your self-esteem
- Helps prevent teeth discolouration and mouth odor
- Helps prevent teeth infection or tooth decay
- Boosts your confidence
- Corrects dental overcrowding
- Reduced or prevents dental emergencies
- Straightens your teeth
Orthodontics treatments are usually done with braces to improve the appearance of crooked teeth, crowded teeth or protruding teeth. And although orthodontists can offer other treatments, the majority of the people that visit orthodontists are people who want to align and straighten their teeth.
Orthodontists are definitely the only people specialized in helping people straighten their teeth in the shortest time possible. They have different ways of doing this:
Braces: Brace fixing is the most common orthodontic treatment. Braces are fixed appliances that consist of bands, wires or brackets. They are used to align and straighten the teeth, fix teeth gaps, and help position the teeth with regard to a person’s bite. They can correct crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, open bites, reverse bite, cross bites, crooked teeth, and deep bites.
In other words, they are used to correct flaws of the teeth and jaw. However, many people who get braces do so because they want to straighten and align their teeth.
Aligners: They are alternatives to braces. They perform similar functions as braces, but they are not fixed; they can be removed for eating, flossing, drinking and brushing.
Accelerated orthodontics: This is a combination of orthodontic treatment methods in a bid to shorten the time of teeth straightening. If you are bothered by your crooked teeth but do not want to wear braces for the required duration of time (which could be years), then accelerated orthodontics is your next or best option. It is a good alternative for people who lead a busy lifestyle and would like to straighten their teeth.
Accelerated orthodontics is performed in several ways:
The Propel Alveocentesis Method: This method creates alveolar perforations to make aligners and braces more efficient thereby reducing the time taken for teeth straightening.
The Acceledent Method: This method promotes faster braces treatment. It involves the use of easy to use, hands-free device that speeds up tooth movement. The device is used daily for twenty minutes to gently vibrate the teeth and surrounding bone. The vibrations allow the teeth to move 50 percent faster. Coupled with the big benefit of reducing treatment time by half, it is safe and it doesn’t increase the pain associated with orthodontic treatment.
Surgical removal of tooth tissue between the teeth is also a good method of accelerating teeth straightening because it provides more space for tooth movement. For the teeth to straighten, it must have enough space around it, so this method of tissue removal was developed based on that theory.