Sleep Apnea

Millions of people worldwide suffer from the common sleep disease known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It is caused by the obstruction or narrowing of the upper airway, which results in snoring and irregular breathing while you sleep.

OSA can harm health, including a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Orthognathic surgery, which corrects jaw and faces bone irregularities, is one option for treating OSA. This article will discuss how orthognathic surgery can treat sleep apnea.

What Is Orthognathic Surgery?

A form of surgery known as orthognathic surgery is used to treat anomalies in the jaw and face bones.

Usually, it’s done to fix a bad bite or to make the face look better. The lower jaw (mandible), the upper jaw (maxilla), or both can be operated on. To guarantee that the teeth are in the right place after surgery, orthognathic surgery is frequently performed with orthodontic therapy.

How Can Orthognathic Surgery Treat Sleep Apnea?

Orthognathic surgery can alleviate sleep apnea by treating the underlying structural anomalies that produce the disorder. A deviated septum, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, anomalies in the jaw and facial bones, and others frequently contribute to OSA. These anomalies can be fixed with orthognathic surgery, allowing for better ventilation while you sleep.

Here are the different ways orthognathic surgery can help treat sleep apnea:

1. Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA)

Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) is an orthognathic surgery involving moving the upper and lower jaws forward. This increases the size of the airway and reduces the likelihood of obstruction during sleep. MMA is typically reserved for patients with severe OSA who have not responded to other treatments.

2. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a procedure that involves removing excess tissue from the soft palate, uvula, and pharynx. This can help to reduce snoring and improve airflow during sleep. UPPP is often done with other procedures, such as GA or MMA.

3. Genioglossus Advancement (GA)

Genioglossus advancement (GA) is a procedure that involves moving the muscle that controls the tongue forward. This helps to keep the tongue from blocking the airway during sleep. GA is typically done with other procedures, such as MMA or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP).

4. Mandibular Osteotomy (MO)

Mandibular Osteotomy (MO) is a procedure that involves moving the lower jaw forward. This can help increase the airway’s size and reduce the likelihood of obstruction during sleep. MO is typically reserved for patients with mild to moderate OSA who have not responded to other treatments.

The Benefits of Orthognathic Surgery for Sleep Apnea

Orthognathic surgery is a surgical procedure that corrects jaw abnormalities, including the position of the upper and lower jaws and the alignment of the teeth. While the primary purpose of orthognathic surgery is to improve facial aesthetics and correct functional issues, it can also significantly impact sleep apnea.

Improved Airway Patency

Orthognathic surgery can expand the airway by realigning the jaws, removing obstacles, and reducing the severity of sleep apnea. The technique can effectively address the anatomical causes of sleep apnea by enlarging the upper airway’s skeletal structure. To widen the airway and create more room in the back of the throat, the upper and lower jaws are moved forward during surgery—the number of apneic episodes while sleeping declines due to the expanded airway space.

Improved Sleep Quality

The natural sleep cycle is broken by sleep apnea, resulting in fragmented and restless sleep. Orthognathic surgery can enhance sleep quality by addressing the root problems, enabling patients to get more rejuvenating sleep. Patients will have more energy, a better mood, and better overall health if they get better-quality sleep.

Reduced Dependence on CPAP

Orthognathic surgery may provide a long-term remedy for sleep apnea, lowering or doing away with the requirement for CPAP therapy. Orthognathic surgery may be a good alternative for patients who cannot tolerate CPAP or have poor adherence, offering long-lasting advantages.

Orthognathic surgery might be the only practical choice for those unable to adhere to the therapy schedule. Surgery can lessen the requirement for CPAP therapy, resulting in better general health and sleep.

Improved Breathing Function

Orthognathic surgery can enhance daytime and nighttime breathing efficiency. Breathing problems are frequently experienced by sleep apnea patients when exerting themselves through exercise or other physical activities. Orthognathic surgery can improve breathing function and enable patients to breathe more easily and comfortably by addressing the underlying causes of sleep apnea.

Enhanced Quality of Life

The quality of life of those who suffer from sleep apnea can be significantly impaired. It may result in decreased productivity, irritability, and daytime weariness. Orthognathic surgery can enhance patients’ quality of life by optimizing breathing function, promoting sleep quality, and reducing the severity of sleep apnea. The patient’s energy level, mood, and general health will all improve.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

An increased risk of cardiovascular illness, such as hypertension, stroke, and heart attack, is linked to sleep apnea. Orthognathic surgery can help lower the risk of these major health issues by enhancing sleep quality and reducing the severity of sleep apnea. According to studies, orthognathic surgery can help patients with sleep apnea better control their blood pressure, lowering their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Risks and Considerations

Orthognathic surgery has dangers, just like any surgical operation; thus, it must be carefully considered. Orthognathic surgery carries some risks, including the possibility of infection, bleeding, nerve injury, and relapse. Additionally, patients must be ready for a lengthy recovery period involving a liquid diet and several weeks of restricted activity.

Not all sleep apnea patients can benefit from orthodontic surgery. If a patient is a good candidate for the operation, they must go through a thorough evaluation by a skilled oral and maxillofacial surgeon and sleep medicine specialist.


Patients with sleep apnea who have not responded to previous therapies may benefit from orthodontic surgery. The operation can fix structural issues with the jaw and facial bones, resulting in better sleep, breathing and a lower chance of health issues


Ninety-six percent of people claim that a person’s smile affects how they appear as a whole. Therefore, many people choose braces or Invisalign to get beautifully straight, healthy teeth.

But which option—Invisalign or braces—is best for you or your child? A good query! This choice ultimately boils down to a few significant personal priorities and preferences.

For all the information you require about the Invisalign vs. braces discussion, continue reading.

Pricing Of Invisalign And Braces

Traditional braces are typically the more cost-effective choice if treatment cost is a factor. Braces often range in price from $2,500 to $8,000.

The price of Invisalign will vary according to the number of trays needed. The quantity of trays depends on how much work needs to be done on your teeth. Costs for Invisalign might range from roughly $3,500 to $8,000.

Before making a choice, you can discuss the price with your orthodontist. If you have dental insurance, they might pay the price of braces or Invisalign partially or all. To determine the entire cost of either braces or Invisalign, get in touch with your insurance or verify your coverage.


AppearanceAs its main point of differentiation, Invisalign will constantly surpass braces in this area. While traditional metal braces are more obvious, Invisalign is practically unnoticeable.

While Invisalign trays are composed of translucent plastic material, braces are made of metal. While some youngsters adore choosing their colored bands for metal braces, most kids and adults alike prefer the aesthetic of Invisalign.

Invisalign is the better option if you prefer a discrete approach to teeth straightening.


It’s not always the most comfortable to have your teeth straightened. Changing the alignment of your teeth, whether with braces or Invisalign, may be unpleasant.

However, because traditional braces put greater pressure on the teeth, Invisalign typically feels more pleasant than these. The inner lip and tongue might be injured by the sharp edges of the braces.

Metal braces may pose a safety risk if you or your child participates in sports and there is unintentional contact.

People find that braces or Invisalign can be relatively comfortable after getting used to them over time.


For years, people have worn braces to straighten their teeth and enhance their looks. The orthodontist advises patients to wear their braces 24 hours a day, seven days a week because they cannot remove them themselves.

Patients may not always adhere to the advised time of usage with Invisalign because the trays are detachable. Additionally, if the trays are lost or forgotten, your teeth will shift while you are not wearing them.

Invisalign users typically don’t wear the trays as much as is advised, which might extend the time it takes to finish treatment.


Both braces and Invisalign have benefits and drawbacks in terms of convenience. Braces are convenient because you don’t have to take them out, but it can be frustrating because they can keep you from eating some meals.

When you want to eat your favorite chewy or sticky foods, Invisalign is practical, but it’s easy to forget to remove the trays and store them safely.

Invisalign might not be the greatest choice if you or your child frequently lose things. Additionally, it might be awkward to excuse oneself in front of others to take out and replace the Invisalign trays before and after meals.

In situations where the teeth are substantially out of alignment, traditional braces are also more effective. Invisalign may not always be able to straighten teeth that are rotated or overlapped.

You can schedule a free appointment to find out if you qualify for Invisalign if you’re unsure.

It can be difficult to clean the Invisalign tray crevices when you’re not at home. Additionally, bacteria or solid food might accumulate if cleaning is not done properly.

When wearing braces or Invisalign, it’s even more crucial to practice good dental hygiene, so remember to brush and floss!

Maintenance And Care

Whether you have Invisalign or braces, cleaning your teeth should be a top priority. Being able to brush and floss regularly makes cleaning easier when you have braces. However, you might need to use a smaller brush to clean the metal if there is food stuck in it.

Although brushing and flossing are the same with Invisalign, there is some more work involved in keeping the aligner trays clean. You should clean the tray after each meal. You can brush and rinse with warm water or an exclusive Invisalign cleaning solution.


The choice between Invisalign and braces is ultimately a matter of personal preference, it is a truth. You should therefore consider the aforementioned categories to make the choice that is best for you or your child.

It’s also essential that you speak with an orthodontist to find out if you qualify for Invisalign. You might not be eligible for this type of treatment in certain circumstances.

Change your smile right now and begin to feel more certain. Whatever you decide, keep your mouth healthy, and contact your orthodontist if you have any questions.

Visit us in person at one of our handy locations or read some of our other blogs for further useful orthodontic advice.

fix an overbite

What exactly is an overbite?

When the upper teeth are 30 to 50% larger than the lower teeth, it is called overbite or overbite. Malocclusion is the medical term for this problem. Sometimes an overbite appears to be a problem with a person’s teeth, but in reality, it’s that person’s teeth and jaws are not aligned properly. Overbites can run in families, as some people are born with abnormally shaped breasts that develop unevenly as they grow.

Invisalign or braces

Millions of people are suffering from a wide range of dental issues. Due to multiple dental issues, people may destroy your oral health. The most common dental problem is misaligned teeth. Some people have crooked teeth, crowded teeth, gaps in the teeth, and various other issues. When the teeth are not in perfect shape and have straight ailments, you may have to experience a wide range of dental issues. Another common problem people face is a wisdom tooth. Some individuals have fully grown wisdom teeth, but for some, the wisdom tooth remains inside the gums. This wisdom tooth can change the positioning of the teeth by crowding and causing a problem of oral health. The healthcare professionals ask the patients to get rid of the wisdom tooth and then opt for braces or Invisalign.

Ten Reasons To Take Your Child To An Orthodontist

Your child’s health deserves to be well cared for and guided right. Your child’s oral health is as important as the nice clothing he/she wears to look good. It is pertinent that you teach your child how to handle a visit to the dentist or orthodontist regularly to get their teeth checked, early enough to prevent issues further down the road.

List Various types of Orthodontist Services available with reputed Doctors!

There are a lot of services that an orthodontist provides and are available with the well reputed doctors. These services always make your teeth healthy and adds beauty to your looks. Scroll down and check out various type of such services.

There are a lot of services that an orthodontist provides and are available with the well reputed doctors. These services always make your teeth healthy and adds beauty to your looks. Scroll down and check out various type of such services.

How To Prevent Tooth Decay While Wearing Braces

Is wearing braces get into your mind? Do you think it can give you satisfaction? Having braces can offer several new experiments when it comes to oral hygiene. It is vital that you pay extra care into averting cavities while wearing your braces. As soon as your braces are eventually detached, you want a lovely, white smile, not damaged or discolored teeth. Here are a handful advices to maintain your teeth strong and healthy while wearing your braces:

Importance of Straight Teeth and Jaws in the daily life of a Human being.

The teeth and jaw are very important features that define the look of a human face, which means if they look bad or abnormal, there is a high chance the face will look quite unpleasant. This is the major reason why people try to make their teeth straight and their jaws in the right condition. Crooked teeth is not only a cosmetic issue, it is an issue that also affects dental health; therefore, when you get your teeth straightened, you are not only going to achieve a nice face and a beautiful smile, you are also going to achieve a good dental health.