Nobody suddenly expects they will encounter any dental emergency when they are wearing braces. It can occur at any time. Besides having a chipped tooth or knocked-out teeth that can bring about a severe ache in the tooth, orthodontic emergencies are unlikely to occur.
With Invisalign being the most modern method of teeth strengthening, you do not have to use the old traditional braces anymore. Invisalign are clear plastic aligners specially made for patients who desire to strengthen their teeth to have a more aesthetic smile.
While growing up, we were told of the different kinds of teeth that make up the 32 teeth in our mouths, but no one ever mentioned that there is something called "wisdom teeth".
Laughter, they say, is the best medicine. Smiling has a way of easing stress and making you feel a little bit relaxed from tension.
Ever wondered why it seems like there is always a remedy to a tooth deformity, misalignment, facial or jaw structure, etc.
You may be surprised to know the number of things a dentist can do to your teeth so you can have that amazing smile you have always loved to put on. Invisalign treatment is one of the many things an orthodontic specialist will put you through. Those crooked teeth can be straightened the way it …
Continue reading "How Long Does Invisalign Take To Straighten Your Teeth?"
As humans, we tend to believe in one thing or the other. We believe there is a reason for the existence of things, people, systems, ideologies, etc. There is always a story to tell about why a certain individual or group’s actions happen in a particular way. Flossing is one of such things that has …
Your child’s health deserves to be well cared for and guided right. Your child’s oral health is as important as the nice clothing he/she wears to look good. It is pertinent that you teach your child how to handle a visit to the dentist or orthodontist regularly to get their teeth checked, early enough to …
Continue reading "Ten Reasons To Take Your Child To An Orthodontist"
You may be thinking that deep cleaning of your teeth requires just a normal home routine, which involves brushing your teeth at home or getting whiteners over the counter to shine your pearly whites all by yourself. Deep Cleaning is more than just doing it on your own. Your dentist must be involved every step …
Continue reading "How Important Is Dental Deep Cleaning For Oral Health"
Teeth whitening is a common and efficient method that is fast and easy when trying to recover beauty and self-assurance whenever you smile.