Want Good Oral Health Try These Dietary Tips

Every part of your body requires proper nutrients, and minerals to stay strong and healthy. This is also applicable for your teeth. Proper nutrition is important for maintaining your overall oral health. Consuming a well-balanced diet can help your body to gain essential nutrients for good health. If you do not have balanced meals at regular intervals, your body will become nutrition deficient. In such situations, your mouth may have a more difficult time resisting infection.

The body is a sophisticated machine that requires a wide range of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to stay healthy. The choice of your food and the frequency of eating has a great impact on your overall health. It is always recommended not to consume sugar-filled sodas, or sweetened beverages or junk food ( non-nutritious snacks).

If you eat such food, you could risk your overall oral health and not only teeth. Tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease that can lead to many other serious teeth infections. Tooth decay occurs when plaque comes into contact with sugar in the mouth, causing acid to attack the teeth.

To prevent all such problems, you must focus on improving the quality of food intake. It will help you to maintain your overall oral health.

What You Should Avoid?

Every person whether suffering from tooth decay or not must stay away from starchy or sugary food. These foods are loved by bacterias present in your mouth and can aggravate the tooth decay. Moreover, it can damage your gums by causing infections. You might be religiously following oral hygiene but even with a good oral routine (brushing twice a day, flossing once a day), it can be hard to keep your teeth healthy over the long term. Your healthy smile and frequent visit to the dentist has a lot to do with your diet.

What Are The Best Foods For Keeping Your Teeth And Gums Healthy?

Well, as recommended by expert dentists, some of the best foods for healthy teeth are fresh fruits and veggies. Fresh fruits and vegetables are high in nutritional value and have added teeth cleaning benefits. You can also consume calcium-rich foods, such as low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese, fortified soy drinks, tofu, canned salmon, almonds, and dark green leafy vegetables that help promote strong teeth and bones. The basic science behind it that chewing on foods gets the saliva going, which along with water. It helps to wash down the plaque-causing bacteria and food particles.

Here are some Most Essential Dietary Tips That Can Help To Keep Your Teeth & Gums Healthy:

Consume Optimal Amount Of Meats and Fatty Fish

Most often meats offer some of the most essential nutrients that are required to keep the teeth and gums healthy. When you chew the meat, it produces saliva which is actually good, because it decreases acidity in your mouth and washes away particles of food that lead to decay. Generally, people consider having red meat and even organ meats to keep their teeth healthy.  Fishes like salmon and tofu are loaded with phosphorus, an important mineral for protecting tooth enamel.

Consuming Nuts

Many dentists recommend eating a wide variety of nuts because they are healthy for teeth and gums. Nuts are completely packed with loads of essential elements like calcium and phosphorus. The nuts that are beneficial for oral health are almonds, brazil nuts, and cashews. These are helpful to fight bacteria that lead to tooth decay. 

  • Peanuts- It is a great source of calcium and vitamin D
  • Almond- It offers a sufficient amount of calcium which are beneficial for teeth and gums
  • Cashew-   It helps in stimulating saliva.
  • Walnut- It contains fiber, folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, iron, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6, potassium, and zinc.  

Consumption Of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

When you eat crisp fruits and raw vegetables, like apples, carrots, and celery, it helps in cleaning the plaque from teeth and freshen your breath. Many fruits and vegetables contain lots of antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C, that help protect gums and other tissues from cell damage and bacterial infection. 

You Can Consume Tea and Coffee

These beverages have polyphenols. Polyphenols in green tea and black coffee offer several health benefits, including their role as antioxidants. These antioxidants help in combating cell damage, as well as reduce the inflammation and also helps in fighting cancer. Green and black teas are rich in polyphenols and offer a number of other health benefits.


You must focus on eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups that help in promoting healthy teeth and gums. In simple words, you should maintain a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, protein foods, calcium-rich foods, and whole grains for a healthy smile as well as a healthy body.