If you or your child require dentofacial treatment, you may feel concerned about what it entails.
Recall the times when practically everyone you knew had braces on their teeth when you were a teenager. It's not too late if you didn't wear them when you were younger.
Correcting jaw problems is the focus of the specialized field of dentistry known as dentofacial orthopedics.
You must wear orthodontic retainers to keep your newly arranged teeth after all the work you've put into enhancing your smile and maintaining your health and happiness.
Dental emergencies can result in substantial pain, inflammation, swelling, and even more serious problems in the future. However, what constitutes a dental emergency?
Dental appliances are devices used by your dentist to help treat your dental problems. A dental appliance is any device that helps maintain your dental health, either long-term or short-term. It can range from braces, retainers, dental crowns, and fillings, Dental appliances are available from permanent to prosthetic or removable fixtures. These are essential to …
Having crooked and misaligned teeth is becoming common nowadays. You might have come across many an adult or kid in a family who does not have a perfect set of teeth. The alignment of the teeth is for more than aesthetic reasons. It plays a vital role in ensuring our oral health and digestive health.
Millions of people are suffering from a wide range of dental issues. Due to multiple dental issues, people may destroy your oral health. The most common dental problem is misaligned teeth.
Teeth whitening is a common and efficient method that is fast and easy when trying to recover beauty and self-assurance whenever you smile.
To keep your teeth strong and healthy, you must care for them. Taking care of your teeth involves using the right oral products and being dedicated to oral care throughout your lifetime.