When you least expect it, an orthodontic emergency can strike. It may happen suddenly in any household and at any time.
You can achieve straight teeth, an improved bite, and a beautiful smile through orthodontic treatment with braces.
You can look glamorous when you smile. Unfortunately, not everyone has a beautiful smile.
An orthodontist takes care of your dental health, so you must pick the right person to ensure you get the best treatment.
If you or your child require dentofacial treatment, you may feel concerned about what it entails.
Orthodontic care continues even after you stop wearing your braces. Your orthodontist recommends orthodontic retainers to help stabilize the arrangement of your new teeth.
Recall the times when practically everyone you knew had braces on their teeth when you were a teenager. It's not too late if you didn't wear them when you were younger.
Correcting jaw problems is the focus of the specialized field of dentistry known as dentofacial orthopedics.
You must wear orthodontic retainers to keep your newly arranged teeth after all the work you've put into enhancing your smile and maintaining your health and happiness.
Dental emergencies can result in substantial pain, inflammation, swelling, and even more serious problems in the future. However, what constitutes a dental emergency?