Spring Digitizer Technology in Dentistry

The wide range of digital appliances available to implant dentists, cosmetic dentists, general dentists, and orthodontists has significantly extended. This improvement technology provides patients with more conventional solutions that beat the traditional options when solving dental problems.

Some dentistry technologies available as digitizers include radiography, computerized, and electronic digitizers. Surgical guides depend on digital technology, such as impressions and implant placements.

Nowadays, many dental experts see that they utilize all proven digital techniques while practicing dentistry to help them offer more modernized dental treatment to patients. One thing about digital technology is that performances are more delicate, effective, efficient, and convenient. You can learn many more things about this rise in dental technology as you read further.

What Is Digital Dentistry?

What Is Digital Dentistry

Digital dentistry talks about many areas of dental technology as it involves digital-based devices like software solutions and hardware components. Digital technology allows a dental expert to offer treatment to patients using computer-aided apparatus.

For instance, the current level of technology in dentistry, including digital scanning, permits dental professionals in diagnostic performances, taking impressions, and planning treatment while excluding mechanical devices.

Also, the digital approach to dentistry for diagnostic laboratories, including design software and impression scanners, is relevant for speed when molding dental products or processing them. Digital dentistry helps in reducing manual work.

Digital technology for dental purposes is widely and readily available for laboratory and clinical use, and they have a vast range of functions and purposes. Scanning, milling or 3D printing, Imaging, and digital design are all self-developed technologies. But they work together for design, treatment planning, and treatment delivery.

What Does CAD/CAM Do in Digital Dentistry?

What Does CAD/CAM Do in Digital Dentistry

CAD or Computer-Aided Designs and CAM or computer-Aided Manufacturing technologies are software solutions professionals use in dentistry. However, engineers also use these software programs in the automotive field.

CAM and CAD initially and technically focus on the manufacturing and design stages of technology; in the dental field, the process deals with everything concerning dental technology, from intraoral scanning to setting up a computerized design, printing or milling, and carrying out dental work in the mouth.

It takes little time for your dentist to work using CAM or CAD. Therefore, the process can be as quick as 30 to 40 minutes. With this, you can easily have a successful treatment through a single visit.

According to a survey, it is pointed out that CAD or CAM software solutions like dental design and oral scanning can improve treatment accuracy, speed, and effectiveness. They are also affordable and reduce patients’ stress.

Are There Digital Orthodontic Treatments?

Treating malocclusion is now easier with the new level of technology as orthodontic specialists can now handle misaligned bites, jaw problems, and mal-positioned teeth through digitized orthodontic care.

Digital treatment is possible without the standard panoramic X-ray and traditional methods of teeth realignment that might not still produce accurate results. However, digital orthodontics involves using impressions, a process done by using digital dental scanners.

When receiving treatments through digital orthodontics, your dentist uses a 3D digital visualization to design an accurate and detailed mold of your teeth from all angles. With digital technology, a professional can select the best positions for clear aligners, retainers, braces, or other orthodontic appliances.

What Benefits Does Digital Technology Offer in Dentistry?

1. Digital Dentistry Is Cost-Effective

Digital technology in dentistry can help a dentist to save more on getting impression appliances and conveying the materials needed for treatment by using digital means instead. Similarly, patients will not pay for materials and time they never used. Digital dentistry includes more planning, proper treatment, and improved software solutions that support excellent treatment design and precision.

2. Digital Dentistry Saves Time

Digital dentistry permits a dentist to perform a faster treatment, allowing a patient to spend less time during treatment. This means that a patient can complete treatment during a single session.

3. Patients Are More Engaged During Treatment

With digital dental technology, professionals can show their patients the steps to their treatment results up to the final stage. Therefore, when using a dental design procedure, the dentist can engage a patient in dialogue to know their expectations. With this, the dentist can adjust to match the patient’s treatment desire, especially if it concerns the treatment period and aesthetics.

4. Space-Saving

Most patients need to learn that the dentist can help them preserve their physical impressions in the dental clinic. Some countries include space saving in their regulations. Through digital impression technology, dental clinics can use a single computer to store different kinds of teeth models and back them up in the cloud. This is better than having a physical store full of orthodontic appliances.

5. Digital Dental Technology Reduces Gag-Reflex

Dentists using the old-fashioned dental treatment methods often have patients reporting cases like teeth hypersensitivity or gag reflex. However, when a dentist uses digital impressions, the discomfort will not occur.

6. Entertainment

With digital pediatric dentistry, kids can have a more relaxing and less stressful dental procedure. Dental technology of 3D images can appear to children on the monitor like video games. This might feel entertaining even though they know they are fixing their oral problem.

7. Openness

With digital technology, a dentist can save information in a Standard Triangulation Language or STL format and adjust the information later by opening the 3D imaging system. Also, this improvement enables patients to independently bring their diagnostic or treatment results to a desired dental clinic.


Digitalization technology in dentistry started over four decades ago. But it was limited to adoption until the recent rise in adaptive technology. With this new change, dental experts are investing more in technological digital equipment, and dentistry will expand digitally in the few years ahead.

While digital technology in dentistry helps a dentist to improve speed, accuracy, and efficiency in treatment, it also advances a patient’s confidence, convenience, and interaction.

Role of Space Maintainers in Oral Health Preservation

Space Maintainers are crucial for oral health. They are objects placed in the mouth to maintain and preserve space between teeth. Space Maintainers are necessary when there is a loss in premature molars because of disease or trauma.

The role of a space maintainer is to allow the teeth to grow in the right place and align appropriately with another permanent tooth. When babies lose their teeth early, they usually have no guidance. The eruption process is natural and requires a guide to align nearby straight teeth.

Failure to aid its eruption will lead to a bad tooth position, and in most cases, it will grow in the wrong place in the gum. When there’s space between the teeth, other teeth can move to the open space, preventing permanent teeth eruption or proper alignment.

Space Maintainers must be used correctly; proper usage prevents the teeth from moving and causes loss of space for teeth.

Inclusively the permanent adult teeth like bicuspids and canines. Moreso, if the teeth are not firm, it begins to drift forward into another space, thereby causing a blockage and stopping the bicuspid teeth from erupting.

The process is vice versa; if not firm, the early bicuspid can also move inward and prevent the canines from erupting in the correct position and firmly.

Different types of space Maintainers can be used to preserve an individual’s oral health. Some of these Maintainers are long term while some are short-term usage.

In society, most deciduous teeth are ignored because of their temporal or short-term existence. Nevertheless, they are also important because they aid the growth and eruption of permanent teeth.

Some leading causes of teeth falling out and causing space in between are prolonged feeding with the bottle for babies. Also, the removal of grossly decayed primary teeth.

The types of space Maintainers depend mainly on the cause and extent of space in the teeth. The two types of space Maintainers are Removable and Fixed space Maintainers.

Your dentist will check and prescribe suitable space Maintainers when and if necessary.

Below are some of the role of space Maintainers in oral health:

Role of Space Maintainers in Oral Health

A Space Maintainer Helps to Shape the Teeth

The role of a space maintainer cannot be limited; it aids in aligning the erupting teeth. The space maintainer maintains the teeth’ arch length, width, and circumference.

It keeps it in regular shape, preventing unaligned and irregular growth and physique.

Often it is used in the mandibular and maxillary arch to aid the arch length after tooth removal. This is also to prevent future orthodontic treatments and complications.

A Space Maintainer Helps to Avoid Supra Eruption of the Opposing Tooth

Without a space maintainer, it is likely for a tooth to grow out of place in any available space. This can be prevented by the presence of a space maintainer, which protects the space created by the lost tooth until there’s an eruption.

When there’s a space loss, malocclusion and overcrowding can happen. In cases like the maxillary arch, a different method can be used in molar distalization.

Regaining space in the upper arch can be more challenging than in the lower arch; in such situations, the lip bumper can be used to avoid overcrowding and maintain space.

Improvement of Speech Abilities

Improvement of Speech Abilities

If a child loses the anterior teeth, speech production may be affected. The formation and production of sounds will be unnatural.

The space Maintainers aid in improving speech while beautifying the treatment process done by losing a tooth.

How and When to Wear a Space Maintainer

How and When to Wear a Space Maintainer

The best time to wear a space maintainer is when it is required. Most times, it is after a tooth loss or extraction.

Your orthodontic specialist will advise you when a space maintainer is needed. Ideally, it should be fixed as soon as possible to avoid complications.

How a space maintainer is worn depends on the type of space maintainer and its function.

Usually, patience is required before the child gets used to wearing a removable space maintainer. Since it is a foreign orthodontic appliance introduced to the child’s mouth, the guardian should exercise patience until the child gets comfortable wearing and using the teeth aligner.

Notably, the child should be encouraged to practice proper oral hygiene. Regular brushing, cleaning, and flossing should be practiced to prevent future infections or damage to the space maintainer.

When it is a fixed space maintainer, the user should avoid certain foods that can stick to the teeth and in between the space Maintainers.

Furthermore, it is advisable not to stick fingers in between or tug the appliance using your teeth or tongue as this may cause the appliance to weaken and lose.

Continuous monitoring of the appliance is required, and do not hesitate to let your dentist know if there is any change or loosening.

If a space maintainer is not used correctly and there is a loss of teeth, the child will likely experience a drifting of teeth and a midline shifting of teeth. Sometimes they experience tipping in the tooth.

The crowding and alterations of arch-length teeth can reduce a child’s self-esteem and disrupt the child’s emotional and physical health.

Moreso, failure to use a space maintainer will lead to orthodontic processes, which can be stressful and painful, like teeth extraction, and it can also lead to future complications.


The loss of teeth almost cannot be avoided. It is the responsibility of guardians and parents to prevent future complications and misalignment of teeth, which can disrupt a child’s emotional and physical well-being.

Regularly visiting an orthodontic specialist and maintaining oral hygiene are very important. Taking care of a child’s oral health is as important as caring for the child’s general health.

Unlock the Benefits of Twice-Yearly Dental Visits

From childhood, you would have been familiar with the standard order of brushing your teeth twice daily, visiting the dentist for an oral checkup, and practicing daily flossing. Even though it seemed stressful at that time, these practices helped you overcome many oral problems while you grew into adulthood. People who ignore dental visits are susceptible to having severe oral problems.

Also, skipping a day or two from brushing your teeth might seem harmless until you continue practicing the habit, and in no time, your oral health will also penetrate your overall health. Therefore, there is a need to keep the mouth clean and a greater need to visit your dentist for bi-annual checkups. The following are the benefits of visiting your dentist twice yearly:

1. It Improves Healthy Teeth and Clean Smiles

It Improves Healthy Teeth and Clean SmilesImagine grinning at someone, and they turn away in disgust, or having your peers make fun of you because you cannot mingle confidently without hiding away your appalling teeth. When you practice frequent teeth brushing and flossing, it might take a while, but you will gradually get back your bright smile when you allow your dentist to help you.

Home practices of flossing and brushing are relevant for improving your oral health, but your dentist will do much more for you. No matter how many times you brush your teeth, if you already have plaque buildup that has turned to hard yellow deposits on your teeth, only your dentist can help you get rid of them. If you are trying to carry out severe teeth cleaning on already damaged teeth, you likely take forever to get rid of buildups.

Your toothbrush cannot even remove strong tartars, and when you shy away from visiting your dentist, loads of bacteria will lead to tooth cavities, and you will soon suffer gingivitis and probably lose some teeth. Your expert dental specialist can use professional equipment to remove tartar from your teeth. After your dentist carries out a professional deep cleaning on your teeth, you will feel fresher and cleaner in your mouth.

2. It Helps You Prevent Gum Diseases

It Helps You Prevent Gum DiseasesGum diseases are painful, and they usually cause inflammation of the gumline. Gum problems can begin from gingivitis and escalate to periodontal cases. Periodontitis is a severe inflammation that firmly deteriorates the bones that hold the gum and teeth. Your gum line can appear reddish, tender, bleeding, and swollen when you have gum disease.

If you have been away from your dentist, it will be difficult to identify this problem on your own during its early stage. When you visit your dentist twice daily, you undergo oral examinations and dental X-rays to determine early periodontal problems. The problem can lead to the teeth loosening from their hold, and they can later fall out. Also, periodontal diseases can lead to jawbone deterioration due to intensive infection, inflammation, and tooth loss. Visiting your dentist twice yearly can stop these problems from occurring.

3. Early Detection of the Problem

Oral health problems can sometimes escalate due to neglect or procrastination in fixing a dental appointment. Many people who now suffer serious issues with their teeth would have saved themselves from expensive treatment and excruciating pain if they had visited their dentist early.

The dentist knows how to catch these problems on time and helps you prevent tartar buildup, cavities, and tooth loss. Also, while the yellow film on the teeth leads to gum disease due to cavities, it further causes the teeth to wear off. But, all these stages of tooth loss will not occur if you meet your dentist on time. Before they become major problems, your dentist will inform you and provide adequate treatment to prevent them from happening. Your dentist can help you save money and exonerate you from invasive approaches.

4. It Helps in Securing Your Overall Health

Once your oral hygiene practice is good enough, your entire health responds to better functions. It is no longer news that most oral health problems are the leading courses of some terminal diseases. Bacteria in the mouth can penetrate the blood to cause severe infections, such as heart diseases, diabetes, and stroke. The best thing is for you to take yourself to the dentist’s desk two times every year, and you will only hear about these problems, but they will never happen to you. Try not to have poor oral health, which can lead to negative problems with your general health.

5. Your Dentist Can Monitor You for Oral Cancer

Cancer is a life-threatening problem that can cause you so much pain. When you visit the dentist frequently, you will be on consistent cancer monitoring as part of your routine checkup. If your dentist detects a trace of cancer, it is possible to apply the remedy on time since the illness will only be at its early stage. Also, treatments are usually successful.

Your dentist has tools that they can use when checking you up for oral cancer. The dentist screens the mouth sores and checks for white or red patches, lumps, and any other malfunctions in your mouth. People who miss yearly appointments will not have this opportunity to know the state of their oral health.

6. It Can Help You Treating Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath can be embarrassing, especially if your own is beyond eating a particular food or just a morning breath. People who complain about their breath suffer from halitosis, a condition due to poor oral practice. You cannot treat halitosis by yourself. Your dentist can help you identify the problem source and provide adequate treatment.


If you cannot recall the last time you visited a dentist, you might be causing harm to yourself without knowing. Maintain twice yearly professional dental visits for deep oral cleaning and general checkups. You can schedule an appointment at a dental clinic near you. What’s more? If you have a child showing early orthodontic signs or you need to straighten your smile, you can book appointments with Miami orthodontics.

5 Questions to Ask when Choosing an Orthodontist

Everyone deserves to smile confidently, no matter who they are or what phase they are in. So, when you decide to improve your smile, know that you have just made the best investment that will also boost your general health. However, choosing the best orthodontic to help you throughout your treatment journey is as relevant as getting those nice teeth.

It can seem like an easy process, but nobody walks up to an orthodontic specialist and starts an orthodontic treatment without checking to see if they are reliable. The whole idea of having a straighter is exciting. But the orthodontist you work with can even make it more worthwhile. Here is a guide on how questions you must ask before selecting the right orthodontist.

1. Do You Have Good Reviews about Your Orthodontic Practice from Previous Patients?

Before you choose an orthodontic specialist to give you a straighter smile, ask if other patients they have worked with have nice reviews about them. If they have online review platforms, you should go there and check what others say about them. From reviews, you can tell if they are reliable to work with or if they can offer you the quality of care you need. Your Miami orthodontist has a support team to take you on a successful teeth-straightening journey. They also have authentic reviews from past patients, and you can go through them before making a decision.

2. Do You Have Adequate Certification and Training to Carry Out Orthodontic Treatments?

Most people who claim to have the skills and expertise in orthodontic treatments might not be as real as they claim to be. It would help if you never assumed that all orthodontic specialists have certifications and proper training. Even if someone recommended them, you still have to determine whether they are reliable. A good orthodontist must pass through serious training during their academic studies.

Orthodontic practice is a part of dentistry, but those who practice them are known as orthodontists and not dentists. Orthodontics is a core of medicines that allows the trained specialist to treat you on a specific area of your dental need. While a good dentist supplies you with advice and guidance on your crown and cavities, a properly trained orthodontist handles issues related to your dental braces.

Make sure you ask them if they have proper orthodontic training in these areas:

  • How to re-establish patients’ facial structure and growth by creating another alveolar structure for them.
  • The maturation and studies of a patient’s jaw and teeth.
  • Biomechanical methodologies that ascertain proper teeth realignment
  • Case studies

Therefore, you must be sure if you want to depend on a particular orthodontist before starting your treatment journey. The person must have good orthodontic training and top-notch experience.

3. Can You Give Accounts of Your Orthodontic Experience?

It is important to know that much about your orthodontist. Trace the background and see the level of experience your orthodontist has. You can ask them several questions that align with their qualifications, especially during your consultation visit. From your first interaction, you can determine if an orthodontic is good enough for you.

You can ask them the following questions:

  • Which school did you attend?
  • How many years have you practiced as an orthodontic specialist?
  • Do you practice updated treatment options?

Any orthodontic specialist with proper training and qualifications can answer your questions and make you feel comfortable if you wish to know more about them.

4. What Treatments Can You Offer Me?

Most patients wonder what treatments to expect. But, orthodontic approaches are unique for treating malocclusions. However, patients have different orthodontic problems, so you can ask your orthodontist specialist some questions, such as; who will oversee my treatment process, how long will my treatment last, will I get follow-up visits, and how often? Asking these questions gets you prepared for the treatment procedure and outcome.

5. What Treatment Plans Are Available for Me?

Your orthodontist will work with you based on the treatment options they have strategized to meet your needs. Only your orthodontist knows what treatment will work best for you. Therefore, do not make decisions that will slow down the treatment process.

Also, getting orthodontic braces can take an extensive process that needs years of assistance and work in most cases. Since each treatment has a strategic duration, you should work hand in hand with your orthodontist to know what treatment methods are available for you to try.

There is a vast range of orthodontic treatment plans as follows:

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are made up of brackets and wires. Many people reject using metal braces for their orthodontic treatment because they are too common and mostly worn by kids. However, metal braces are reliable for realigning malocclusions.

The braces work by firmly holding the wires connected to each tooth. Continuous pressure can move your teeth slowly and gradually throughout the treatment period. The time for wearing traditional orthodontic braces is between 12-36 months. But, this can rely on the severity of your malocclusions, how fast you respond to treatment, and your practices to determine your perfect result.

Clear Braces

Clear braces are teeth aligners that are as effective as traditional metal braces. The difference between the two approaches is in their appearances. While metal braces have components such as wires and brackets, clear braces use transparent ceramic brackets. Adults prefer them as they can blend with the natural teeth color, making them discreet in appearance.


InvisalignInvisalign or clear aligners are removable orthodontic treatment approaches that use clear trays to adjust teeth. They do not make use of wires and brackets like the others. They are discreet, allowing you to continue your treatment without many people knowing. It is also the fastest, as you can wear the tray for up to 15 months.


When deciding to get a straighter smile, it is right to ask questions about the best orthodontic specialists to work with. Asking relevant questions can help you know if the orthodontist will be good for you and your household before hiring them.

Orthodontic Treatment

When your gum suffers a buildup of excessive plaque, it leads to inflammation over time. People who do not carry out proper dental hygiene are susceptible to gum diseases. The accumulated plaque between the teeth and the gum line is also known as gingivitis, a painful disease that can lead to more severe periodontal problems.

However, people treating malocclusions to have beautiful smiles can also be at risk of gum diseases if they neglect proper teeth cleaning. Teeth cleaning can indeed be difficult, with wires and brackets holding your teeth together. But, to prevent gum problems during orthodontic treatment, there are healthy tips you must practice throughout your treatment process. To achieve a healthy and straight smile, the following tips can help:

1. Practice Frequent Teeth Brushing

Practice Frequent Teeth Brushing

The best way to prevent gum problems is through frequent teeth brushing and flossing. While you might think your braces can be a problem, you can brush gently to get rid of food particles, especially after meals. Even if your brushing feels different with orthodontic braces over your teeth, proper brushing can help you keep gum inflammation away.

The right way to brush your teeth is after eating food and before you go to bed. People wearing orthodontic braces can feel less challenged if they brush their teeth with soft bristle toothbrushes. When brushing your teeth, hold your brush at an angle of 45 degrees, and do not rush the process. Take as much time as possible until your teeth are clean.

If you brush hastily, you can damage your wires or brackets or even injure your gum. Most patients with orthodontic braces who do not follow proper teeth-brushing technique end up bleeding after every routine, or they avoid sending the toothbrush into certain angles of the dental brackets.

You should spend at least 2 minutes brushing your teeth and an additional 2 minutes if you consider flossing. You can purchase proxy toothbrushes with tiny single bristles, as they help you clean properly when wearing orthodontic braces. Also, you can opt for an electric toothbrush. They are easy to use, and they clean teeth properly.

2. Floss

Flossing is just as effective as brushing. It might take longer to floss, but you will save your teeth and gum from plaque buildup and gingivitis if you carry out this practice tirelessly. Flossing helps you get into tight areas between your teeth that your toothbrush did not reach. Your orthodontic specialist can recommend the best product for flossing, or you can get them over the counter at a drug store near you.

Some oral flossing products that can help you prevent gum inflammation during orthodontic treatment include:

3. Floss Threaders

Floss Threaders

If you are wearing orthodontic braces, orthodontic specialists have designed floss threaders to help you floss your teeth between brackets and wires, and you can floss up to your gum. Floss threaders look like big needles, but they are plastic-made substances that you can easily shove between your teeth and metal leaves wire and tooth.

4. Water Picks

Water picks can help you withstand inflammation and gingivitis and maintain good oral health. Water picks can irrigate tight corners between teeth and metal brackets. It uses force to remove dirt from areas in the teeth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

5. Rinse

Rinsing might seem too simple to help you prevent gum problems, but every gum problem starts with accumulated debris formed on the teeth through the food you eat. Therefore, rinsing your teeth after a meal will help loosen trapped food bits around the wires and brackets.

It becomes more effective when you use the rinsing method and apply proper teeth brushing and flossing. You can gaggle with clean water, especially if you consume sugary drinks before bedtime. Your orthodontics can use recommended mouthwashes to get rid of gradually forming plaques that lead to inflammation of the gumline.

6. Avoid Eating Sticky and Hard Food Substances

Sticky and hard-to-bite food is not good for you when you have braces on your teeth. Those sticky food bits can travel into some spaces in your braces and hide there to accumulate problems. Orthodontists suggest that patients wearing braces, especially traditional types, should stay off gummy and hard foods as they can damage the braces and still cause tooth pain and decay.

If you wear clear aligners, you might not have these restrictions because you will need to take the trays off your mouth before eating and clean your teeth before putting them back on. If you chew nuts with your Invisalign, you should break it. If you must have your favorite hard food, such as nuts, grind them before consuming them to prevent ripping off the wires. But stay off sticky candies or other gummy treats.

7. Limit Sugary Drinks

The idea of wearing orthodontic braces is to help improve smiles. But, when you are on this treatment without paying attention to what goes into your mouth, you can obstruct the process without knowing. Most people consume substances that cause trauma to the teeth during orthodontic treatment.

Acidic and sugary drinks can wreak havoc on tooth enamel, and while you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, you can develop cavities. At the end of your treatment, you will not like to see a straight smile with heavy tartars forming on them or yellowy aligned teeth. Therefore, if you must have sugary drinks, rinse your teeth immediately, and if you can, avoid them completely as they are bad for your teeth


Due to poor oral care habits, people undergoing orthodontic treatment can have gum diseases, otherwise known as gingivitis. But, paying attention to better oral hygiene can help keep gingivitis away. You can start by brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing daily. Aside from brushing, flossing, and rinsing teeth to clear out accumulated debris on the teeth and braces, you should avoid eating some food and taking some drinks if they cause tooth decay or damage your braces.

Orthodontic Emergencies and How to Handle Them

When you least expect it, an orthodontic emergency can strike. It may happen suddenly in any household and at any time. Competently handling such urgent situations will prevent further complications. It will help if you know how to deal with the issues before contacting a Miami orthodontist.

What Is Considered an Orthodontic Emergency?

What Is Considered an Orthodontic EmergencyUsually, orthodontic emergencies involve trauma, pain, or a broken device. It is crucial to contact a Doral orthodontist immediately if you experience an orthodontic emergency. Orthodontic emergencies include broken brackets and wires, lost separators, and swelling or pain. Other orthodontic emergencies may consist of:

  • Swelling or excruciating pain
  • Abscess or infection around the teeth or gums
  • Broken braces
  • Movement of the appliance or archwire
  • Broken or missing retainers
  • Protruding wires or sharp edges that irritate the skin

Anyone may experience an orthodontic emergency. When such a situation arises, you must assess it. You can check for signs like oral bleeding or swelling. Also, inquire if any device was swallowed. Though orthodontic emergencies rarely happen, becoming familiar with them is necessary.

You or your family member may experience issues during or after an orthodontic procedure that require attention. Your knowledge about such situations will help prevent further damage. The orthodontic appliances may cause discomfort or pain. Besides, a part may come off or break when it shouldn’t. Orthodontic specialists can determine the best approach to address these issues.

You can easily handle some problems by explaining the situation to Alquiza Orthodontics over the phone. Pictures of the cases can also help in addressing them. However, some positions require the immediate attention of orthodontic specialists, causing you to visit the professionals immediately.

It is best to seek the help of Miami orthodontists if you experience the following problems during orthodontic treatment:

  •  Mouth or gum swelling or bleeding
  • Mouth, tooth, or face injuries
  • Severe gum or mouth pain that has not improved despite treatment

Orthodontic Emergencies and How to Handle Them

It may be challenging to decide whether a situation can be considered an emergency. Conditions like severe swelling, pain that doesn’t respond to treatment, or a fractured tooth require the immediate attention of orthodontic specialists. However, you may handle some situations temporarily before visiting your orthodontists.

Loose or broken brackets

The brackets attached to the front of your teeth may become loose when you chew hard or sticky food. The problem can result in pain. If not repaired immediately, an open bracket can delay the progress of your orthodontic treatment, prolonging it. The unglued bracket no longer holds the tooth in position, allowing it to become misaligned.

If a broken bracket still glued to the wire is causing you pain, leave it until you visit an orthodontist. However, you can cover the affected wire with orthodontic wax if it scrapes your mouth’s inner wall or irritates you. It is best to visit an orthodontist without delay during business hours to resolve the problem.

Wire Jutting out of Your Mouth

When the wire shifts from its position, leave it if you are not feeling discomfort until your next dental visit. If you are in pain, you can temporarily use a soft earplug on the irritant and contact your orthodontist for a solution. You may see the professional on the same day.

A wire can cause discomfort if it sticks out of your mouth. Trim the offending wire with a nail clipper and try pushing it back into its position using cotton. Then, schedule an appointment with a Doral orthodontist to rectify the issue.

Knocked-out Tooth

It is possible to save a knocked-out tooth if you can reach a dentist or an orthodontist within an hour of the accident. If the tooth has fallen out, rinse it with a salt solution while holding it at the crown. You can store the tooth in a container containing your saliva, milk, or saline. Take the stored tooth along with you to the dentist.

The device may prevent your tooth from being knocked out if you get hit on the face while wearing braces. Instead, the impact may move the tooth out of its position, forcing the wire to bend. It is best to contact Miami orthodontics to realign the tooth.

Food Trapped in Braces

Food particles caught between a band and your tooth can cause discomfort. Avoid poking out the particles with a sharp object, which can damage the tooth surface. Brushing and flossing your teeth is ideal for dislodging the trapped object. However, you can only visit a dentist if it is practical.

Broken Retainers

Parts of your retainer may break, resulting in an improper fit and making you uncomfortable. If your retainer breaks, stop using it. Broken retainers can change the position of your teeth by wrongly applying pressure to them. Save the broken orthodontic appliances and the pieces and take them along on your next visit to your orthodontist.

Apply cold compresses to the affected area if you are experiencing pain and swelling. An over-the-counter pain reliever can ease the discomfort. However, it will help if you visit your orthodontist.

How to Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies

Avoiding orthodontic emergencies is an ideal approach to handling the issues. Unexpected situations may arise even when you don’t have unresolved dental problems. However, you can help prevent them if possible. Here are some tips to help you:

Maintain care instructions for braces: Follow your orthodontist’s guidelines for brushing and flossing while wearing braces. You can protect your braces and teeth from damage by heeding the instructions. Besides, don’t miss your appointments with the orthodontist.

Keep the eating instructions: You shouldn’t eat certain foods during your orthodontic treatment with braces. Avoiding the foods specified by orthodontic specialists will prevent damage to the dental appliance and discomfort.

Use a mouthguard during sports: Wear a mouthguard if you have braces while participating in sports. The device will prevent mouth injuries and breakage of the braces if you bump into other players or anything.

Anyone can experience orthodontic emergencies. However, visit dental professionals if such situations occur to relieve the pain. Children’s orthodontists can help you if your child faces teeth- and jaw-related issues.

Bite Blocks for Braces_ Everything You Need to Know

You can achieve straight teeth, an improved bite, and a beautiful smile through orthodontic treatment with braces. The device has metal brackets that pass around the backside of the teeth, and a wire is inserted through them. These bands and the wire collectively shift your teeth into the right position.

A bad bite may interrupt the alignment treatment by damaging the brackets. Such an incident can occur when your upper teeth grind against the lower ones as you bite, causing breakage of the brackets. Bite blocks can help to prevent damage and improve the alignment of the teeth.
Bite blocks can be used to help with orthodontic treatment.

Aside from causing band disruption, a bad bite can delay your braces treatment. This issue is common in individuals with deep bites, crossbites, or crowded teeth due to the improper alignment of the jaws and teeth. Fortunately, orthodontic specialists can recommend bite blocks, ramps, or turbos to correct the issue.

Dental blocks can restrict contact between your lower and upper teeth during orthodontic treatment. Their presence prevents you from completely biting down. These tiny devices protect brackets, helping to correct overbite or underbite. Miami orthodontics uses these additional devices to speed up tooth alignment treatment and improve the bite.

These orthodontic appliances are made of acrylic plastic, which can resist pressure from chewing. They are different colors and may be available in your shade. If you don’t want other people to notice the ramps, use blocks of the same color as your teeth. Orthodontic specialists can place dental implants on the back or front teeth.

The flat or mounded blocks are placed on the molars’ chewing surfaces, while the triangular or L-shaped blocks fit on the inner part of the front teeth. These orthodontic appliances can be spring-loaded, increasing the pressure on the teeth. The device can be removable or fixed. The removable ramps are fashioned from soft materials such as acrylic or gel.

Wearing them eases tension in your jaw muscles. Bite blocks make teeth alignment with braces more efficient, resulting in a faster result and a perfect smile.

Importance of Bite Blocks

Importance of Bite Blocks

For tooth alignment procedures, Alquiza orthodontics employs dental blocks and braces. These tiny devices maintain the braces in good working condition, allowing them to function effectively. They restrict the contact between your upper and lower teeth, preventing damage to the braces and delays in the teeth-straightening or aligning process.

Misaligned teeth can cause your jaw and temporomandibular joint to receive excessive pressure while chewing or clenching. This condition can result in painful chewing, gum diseases, and enamel wear. Fortunately, bite blocks can relieve the pressure when fitted to the teeth. Besides straightening teeth, orthodontic treatment also corrects improper bites.

Orthodontist specialists may also have dental turbos recommended for an underbite or overbite. They are also helpful in the rectification of overcrowded teeth and mouth breathing. Besides, some orthodontic specialists may use only bite turbos to correct crossbites in children.

Time Spent Wearing Bite Blocks

The duration of your orthodontic treatment determines how long you can use the dental blocks. It would help if you used the orthodontic appliances until your teeth are well aligned, and the bite improves. The corrective procedure may take up to a year. However, some cases may require less treatment time. It is best to follow a specialist’s instructions on dental bites.

Getting used to the dental blocks fitted over your teeth may take some time. Consequently, you may find it challenging to chew food during the first week. Consuming soft foods is ideal as you adapt to dental blocks. You can also cut food into tiny bits for easy chewing. Besides, you can opt for braces-friendly foods.

Cleaning Your Bite Blocks

Cleaning Your Bite BlocksKeeping your bite blocks clean is necessary. It keeps food particles and bacteria from becoming stuck in your teeth. You can brush your teeth after meals and use a water flosser for braces. The tips below will help you clean your teeth properly:

  • After using the ramps, rinse them with water to remove debris or saliva.
  • Scrub the blocks with water and mild soap to eliminate bacteria that might accumulate on them during the night.
  • Thoroughly rinse the blocks with water after scrubbing.
  • Use a clean towel to dry the dental bites.
  • Then, store the bite blocks in a case with a cover to prevent dust from getting to them.
  • Issues associated with bites and blocks
  • You may experience problems with dental bites placed on your teeth. Below are the common concerns with these orthodontic appliances and how to resolve them.

Soreness: You may experience discomfort after wearing your braces and bite blocks. The orthodontic appliances force the jaw to work harder to bite properly. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers to ease the discomfort and pain. However, you can consult Miami orthodontics if the soreness persists.

Chewing problems: You may find it challenging to chew food when your bite blocks are newly placed. The presence of these orthodontic appliances alters the functioning of your jaw muscles. It will take some days before you can chew properly. However, consuming soft and non-chew foods will be a good idea during this period.

As your teeth get used to the blocks, you can chew food. However, cutting your food into smaller pieces that will be less vigorous and won’t make you uncomfortable is best.

Speech impairment: Bite blocks fitted over your teeth can cause difficulty speaking. This problem arises when the dental turbines inhibit the movement of the tongue. You can correct this issue by practicing how to speak, starting with simple words and then sentences. Over time, your speech will improve.

Worn dental blocks: Your bite blocks may fail to prevent contact between the upper and lower teeth if their material wears down. One of the blocks may also need to be found. A Doral orthodontist can replace your braces if they are no longer functioning effectively. However, it is normal if you bite only one block without discomfort.

When properly used, bite blocks can make orthodontic treatment with braces more effective and faster. Following your orthodontist’s instructions can help you achieve the best results with bite blocks.

Retainers After Braces_ Use and Cleaning Guidelines

You can look glamorous when you smile. Unfortunately, not everyone has a beautiful smile. If such is the case, orthodontic specialists can help enhance your smile and appearance. Using orthodontic appliances, these professionals can correct teeth and jaw flaws such as crooked teeth and improper bites.

Solution for an Attractive Smile

Well-aligned and straight teeth can help you have a perfect smile. Orthodontic specialists temporarily place dental braces on teeth to align and straighten them. The professionals tighten an archwire inserted through the device to shift the teeth into the desired positions. Adults, teens, and children can align their teeth using braces.

A Miami orthodontist can use braces to correct the position of the jaw and teeth. When attached directly to the teeth, the brackets and the archwire inserted in them apply pressure to the teeth. Over time, the teeth move to their proper position. Sometimes, dentists use rubber bands to reinforce the braces, applying more pressure on the teeth.

Various types of dental braces exist. However, your dentist can help you identify the best fit for you. The devices are attached to the front of the teeth or the backside. In the latter case, the retainers are hidden. Lingual braces are ideal if you want aligners that are not visible to others. Furthermore, Invisalign uses clear tooth aligners to correct tooth position.

The Second Phase of Orthodontic Care

Using braces is the active stage of orthodontic treatment. When you get the braces off, you must enter the retention phase to ensure that the alignment lasts. However, a retainer maintains your teeth in the right position by preventing them from shifting after being aligned. The orthodontic retainers are either made of wire or transparent plastic.

After getting off the braces, your orthodontic situation determines how long you will use the retainers. You may be required to wear it throughout the day in the first months after removing the braces or only at night. Following an orthodontist’s instructions on using and maintaining retainers to achieve the best results is necessary.

Getting the Best Results after Tooth Alignment

Getting the Best Results after Tooth Alignment

If you discontinue orthodontic treatment, your teeth may revert to their crooked position after you remove your braces. Retainers can help keep the teeth straight and in their new position, providing better results. Consequently, you will have a beautiful smile when you wear these orthodontic appliances according to your orthodontist’s instructions.

The orthodontic retainers can be fixed or removable. Orthodontic specialists take patients through the pros and cons of each type of retainer before choosing one suitable for their dentition. After assessing your orthodontic situation, a Doral orthodontist can determine how long you will wear retainers and whether they should be removable or fixed.

Fixed or permanent retainers are ideal for the upper arch and are a good option for individuals who may need to remember consistently wearing the device. The retainers are glued to the teeth and secured by a small bar attached to the backside. This type of retainer is hidden and doesn’t significantly affect how the teeth feel.

On the other hand, removable retainers are worn at intervals as instructed by orthodontists. Depending on the severity of the corrected dental issue, you may wear the orthodontic appliances for a year or a few months. Initially, you may be required to wear the retainers throughout the day for months and later during specified periods, like at night.

Removing your removable retainers while eating is necessary to keep them clean. Besides, it will help you maintain the device. The removable retainers include the types mentioned below:

Hawley retainers: These retainers are made of acrylic and wire. The wire surrounds the teeth to keep the device in position and can be adjusted for minor alignment corrections. These retainers are easy to clean and can last longer when carefully handled.

Essix retainers are clear teeth aligners that go from canine to canine.

It resembles an Invisalign.

Zendura retainers: The retainers are tough and can resist stress.
Using retainers after getting your braces off keeps your teeth in the right position. Besides, these orthodontic appliances can correct issues like tongue thrust and bruxism.

Keeping Your Retainers Clean

Keeping Your Retainers CleanBacteria can accumulate on the retainers just as they do on the teeth. If you keep your teeth aligners clean, they will develop a good odor. Besides, a greasy white film will form on them. If you don’t clean your retainers, the layer hardens and becomes difficult to remove. Keeping your retainers odor-free, clean, and safe would be better than replacing the device.

When brushing your teeth after each meal, clean your fixed retainers. Thoroughly brush under the wire with toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. Then, use dental floss. The brushing method could be better for transparent Essix retainers. It will result in scratches on the clear plastic, making the retainers visible.

You can easily clean your removable retainers when you take them out, and it is best to do so at night. When you remove the retainers, a quick rinse with warm water can wash off surface bacteria. Avoid using antibacterial wipes on the device, as their content can be toxic if it comes in contact with the mouth. Besides, it will help if you carefully avoid breaking the device. Ensure that you place it in its case when you are not wearing it.

Soaking retainers in an alcohol-based mouthwash or a weak hydrogen peroxide solution can kill germs. However, it won’t remove the slimy white buildup on the orthodontic appliances. Instead, the harsh chemicals will damage the retainers’ plastic surfaces over time and turn them yellow. Denture cleaning tablets meant for false teeth can have the same effect when used on retainers.

It is best to use cleaning products formulated by manufacturers of retainers. These products can eliminate germs and the greasy white layer without damaging the plastic retainers. You need to follow the cleaning instructions to obtain the best results. Besides, a good case will help keep your retainers safe. Wrapping it in a napkin is a sure way to lose it.

Your teeth will shift back to their crooked position if you fail to wear retainers after removing the braces. Though you may not notice it at first, the relapse in tooth alignment will become apparent with time. Fortunately, wearing your retainers will maintain your teeth in the right position, giving you a perfect smile.