Beyond Braces

Orthodontic treatment has evolved significantly over the years, moving beyond traditional braces to encompass a range of advanced techniques to achieve optimal dentofacial aesthetics and function. These advancements offer patients more options and allow orthodontists to address complex cases more effectively. Let’s explore some of the cutting-edge techniques in dentofacial orthodontics that are shaping the future of smile enhancement.

Advanced Techniques in Dentofacial Orthodontics

1. Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatment by providing a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. These custom-made aligners gradually shift teeth into their desired positions using controlled force. One of the key advantages of Invisalign is its virtually invisible appearance, making it an attractive option for individuals who wish to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their treatment.

Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing patients to eat, brush, and floss easily, unlike traditional braces, which can pose challenges to maintaining oral hygiene. With advancements in technology, Invisalign treatment has become increasingly precise, catering to many orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing issues, and bite irregularities.

2. Lingual Braces

Lingual BracesLingual braces offer a discreet alternative to traditional braces by placing the brackets and wires on the inner surfaces of the teeth, facing the tongue. This placement hides the orthodontic appliances from view, providing patients with a more aesthetically pleasing treatment option. Lingual braces work similarly to traditional braces, applying gentle pressure to move teeth into their correct positions gradually.

They are custom-made for each patient to ensure a precise fit and optimal results. While lingual braces may take some time to adjust to due to their placement on the tongue side of the teeth, many patients find them a worthwhile investment in achieving a straighter smile without the visibility of traditional braces. Additionally, lingual braces are suitable for treating many orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing problems, and bite misalignments, making them a versatile option for many patients seeking discreet orthodontic treatment.

3. Accelerated Orthodontics

Accelerated orthodontics refers to techniques and technologies designed to reduce the treatment time required to straighten teeth and correct bite issues. These methods aim to accelerate the biological processes involved in tooth movement, allowing patients to achieve their desired results in a shorter period. One such technique is high-frequency vibration devices, which stimulate bone remodeling and enhance the rate of tooth movement.

Another approach is using micro-osteoperforations, which create tiny holes in the bone surrounding the teeth, facilitating faster tooth movement. Propel Orthodontics and AcceleDent techniques also utilize cyclic forces to expedite tooth alignment.

While accelerated orthodontics may not be suitable for every patient or case, it offers a promising option for individuals seeking shorter treatment times without compromising the quality of their results. By leveraging these advanced techniques, orthodontists can effectively address malocclusions and enhance dentofacial aesthetics with greater efficiency and convenience for their patients.

4. Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical orthodontics, or orthognathic surgery, involves the combined efforts of an orthodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to correct severe malocclusions and skeletal irregularities. This comprehensive approach addresses not only the alignment of the teeth but also the underlying skeletal discrepancies of the jaw and facial structures.

Surgical orthodontics is typically recommended for patients with significant jaw discrepancies that cannot be corrected through orthodontic treatment alone. The process begins with orthodontic preparation to align the teeth in optimal positions, followed by surgery to reposition the jaws as necessary. Finally, post-surgical orthodontic treatment is employed to fine-tune the occlusion and achieve the desired aesthetic and functional outcomes.

While surgical orthodontics may involve a longer and more complex treatment process than traditional one, it can effectively address severe malocclusions and improve the smile’s appearance and function. With advancements in surgical techniques and technology, surgical orthodontics continues to evolve, offering transformative results for patients with complex dentofacial issues.

5. Digital Orthodontics

Digital OrthodonticsDigital orthodontics has transformed how orthodontic treatments are planned and executed, offering precision and efficiency like never before. Digital technologies like intraoral scanners, 3D imaging, and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems enable orthodontists to create accurate digital models of patients’ teeth and jaws.

These digital models allow for detailed treatment planning and simulation, facilitating better communication between the orthodontist and the patient. Additionally, digital orthodontic techniques streamline the fabrication of custom orthodontic appliances, such as clear aligners and lingual braces, improving fit and treatment outcomes. By harnessing the power of digital orthodontics, orthodontists can deliver personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs, resulting in more predictable and efficient orthodontic outcomes.

6. Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs)

Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) have emerged as valuable tools in orthodontic treatment, especially for cases requiring complex tooth movements or skeletal corrections. TADs are small titanium screws or plates that are temporarily placed into the bone to serve as stable anchor points for orthodontic forces. These devices give orthodontists greater control over tooth movement, allowing them to achieve more challenging treatment goals, such as intruding or extruding teeth, closing spaces, or correcting severe bite discrepancies.

TADs can be strategically placed in various locations within the mouth, depending on the specific needs of the patient and the desired tooth movements. Their temporary nature means they can be easily removed once treatment is complete, with minimal impact on surrounding teeth and tissues. By incorporating TADs into orthodontic treatment plans, orthodontists can expand the scope of what is achievable with orthodontics, offering patients more comprehensive solutions for their dental and skeletal issues.


Innovative techniques like digital orthodontics and temporary anchorage devices reshape dentofacial orthodontics, offering precision and efficiency. These advancements enhance treatment planning, control tooth movement, and improve patient outcomes. By embracing these cutting-edge approaches, orthodontists can deliver personalized care, transform smiles, and improve oral health. As the field continues to evolve, staying abreast of the latest developments is crucial for providing the highest standard of care. With these advanced techniques, orthodontics enters a new era of effectiveness and patient satisfaction.


Orthodontic treatment has come a long way in recent years, providing patients with innovative solutions beyond traditional braces. While braces remain popular for correcting dental misalignments, removable orthodontic appliances have gained significant attention for their versatility, convenience, and effectiveness. This article will explore the world of removable orthodontic appliances and show how they can solve many dental issues, offering patients an alternative path to a healthy and beautiful smile.

The Increase in Removable Orthodontic Appliances

Orthodontic devices have changed, moving away from conventional fixed braces and embracing removable alternatives. These customized appliances, often known as aligners or clear aligner systems, are comprised of translucent plastic and fit snugly over the teeth. They apply modest pressure to the teeth, gradually moving them into the correct alignment.

Benefits of Removable Orthodontic Appliances

1. Aesthetics and Discretion

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, many individuals are concerned about the impact on their appearance. Traditional braces with metal brackets and wires can be visually noticeable and may cause self-consciousness. However, removable orthodontic appliances offer a significant advantage in aesthetics and discretion.

Removable appliances, such as clear aligners, are made of transparent plastic that is virtually invisible when worn. This allows patients to undergo orthodontic treatment without drawing attention to their teeth. The discreet nature of removable appliances can be particularly appealing to adults or teenagers who may feel conscious about their appearance during treatment.

In addition to their cosmetic appeal, removable orthodontic appliances also provide the flexibility to remove them for special occasions or social events, if desired. This feature makes patients feel more confident and at ease during important moments, enhancing the overall treatment experience.

2. Enhanced Comfort

Metal brackets and wires used in traditional braces are frequently the sources of discomfort, irritability, and even mouth ulcers. These substances may cause irritation and sensitivity in the mouth by rubbing the delicate tissues.

On the other hand, removable orthodontic appliances comprise a supple and cozy plastic substance. There is substantially less chance of mouth sores or irritation because they don’t have brackets and wires. Removable appliances are often more pleasant for patients to use and cause less discomfort during treatment.

Furthermore, removable appliances do not require periodic adjustments like traditional braces, eliminating the need for tightening appointments that can sometimes cause temporary discomfort. This aspect adds to the comfort and convenience of using removable orthodontic appliances.

3. Improved Oral Hygiene

Maintaining proper oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is crucial for the health of the teeth and gums. Traditional braces can present challenges in oral hygiene due to the presence of brackets and wires, which can trap food particles and plaque, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Removable orthodontic appliances offer a distinct advantage in oral hygiene management. Since they can be easily removed, patients can maintain regular brushing and flossing routines without hindrance. This promotes thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums, reducing the chances of developing oral health issues during treatment.

Moreover, removable appliances can be cleaned separately, ensuring they remain hygienic and free from bacterial buildup. This ease of maintenance helps patients maintain optimal oral health throughout their orthodontic journey.

4. Convenience and Flexibility

Removable orthodontic appliances provide patients convenience and flexibility that traditional braces cannot match. Unlike fixed braces, which remain in place throughout treatment, removable appliances can be removed when necessary.

The ability to remove the appliances offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for greater ease and comfort while eating. Patients can remove the aligners before meals, ensuring they enjoy their food without any dietary restrictions or concerns about damaging the appliances. This freedom to eat normally can greatly improve the overall orthodontic treatment experience.

Correcting Dental Issues with Removable Orthodontic Appliances

1. Malocclusion and Crowding

Misaligned teeth, or malocclusion, are a frequent dental condition that can impact the mouth’s appearance and functionality. Malocclusion can be treated successfully using removable braces by gradually realigning the teeth and enhancing the overall bite. They are particularly suitable when the teeth are too closely spaced apart due to mild to moderate crowding.

2. Spacing and Gaps

Spaces or gaps between teeth can be aesthetically displeasing and lead to oral health problems. Removable orthodontic appliances can close gaps by exerting gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually bringing them closer together and achieving a harmonious smile.

3. Overbite and Underbite

An overbite is when the upper teeth stick out further than the lower teeth, and an underbite is when the lower teeth stick out further than the upper teeth. Concerns about function and appearance may result from either disease. By assisting the teeth in moving into their appropriate alignment, removable orthodontic equipment can help treat these bite problems, improving the bite and facial harmony.

4. Crossbite and Open Bite

This condition is known as a crossbite if the lower teeth are positioned inside the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. On the other hand, an open bite is distinguished by a space between the upper and lower teeth when the jaws are closed. These alignment problems can be resolved with removable braces, making the bite look and work better overall.

The Process of Using Removable Orthodontic Appliances

The journey with removable orthodontic appliances typically begins with a comprehensive consultation with an orthodontist. During this initial assessment, the orthodontic specialists in Miami will evaluate the patient’s dental condition and determine if removable appliances are the right choice. If deemed suitable, the orthodontist will take impressions or use digital scans to create custom aligners tailored to the patient’s teeth.

The aligners are worn for a predetermined period, usually around 1-2 weeks per set, before progressing to the next set. Regular check-ups with the orthodontist are necessary to monitor progress and ensure the treatment is on track. Attachments or small tooth-colored buttons may be added to the teeth to aid in certain movements.


If you are considering orthodontic treatment, consult the best orthodontist in Miami to determine if removable orthodontic appliances suit your unique case. Embrace the advancements in orthodontics and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more beautiful smile with the help of removable orthodontic appliances

Bite Blocks for Braces_ Everything You Need to Know

You can achieve straight teeth, an improved bite, and a beautiful smile through orthodontic treatment with braces. The device has metal brackets that pass around the backside of the teeth, and a wire is inserted through them. These bands and the wire collectively shift your teeth into the right position.

A bad bite may interrupt the alignment treatment by damaging the brackets. Such an incident can occur when your upper teeth grind against the lower ones as you bite, causing breakage of the brackets. Bite blocks can help to prevent damage and improve the alignment of the teeth.
Bite blocks can be used to help with orthodontic treatment.

Aside from causing band disruption, a bad bite can delay your braces treatment. This issue is common in individuals with deep bites, crossbites, or crowded teeth due to the improper alignment of the jaws and teeth. Fortunately, orthodontic specialists can recommend bite blocks, ramps, or turbos to correct the issue.

Dental blocks can restrict contact between your lower and upper teeth during orthodontic treatment. Their presence prevents you from completely biting down. These tiny devices protect brackets, helping to correct overbite or underbite. Miami orthodontics uses these additional devices to speed up tooth alignment treatment and improve the bite.

These orthodontic appliances are made of acrylic plastic, which can resist pressure from chewing. They are different colors and may be available in your shade. If you don’t want other people to notice the ramps, use blocks of the same color as your teeth. Orthodontic specialists can place dental implants on the back or front teeth.

The flat or mounded blocks are placed on the molars’ chewing surfaces, while the triangular or L-shaped blocks fit on the inner part of the front teeth. These orthodontic appliances can be spring-loaded, increasing the pressure on the teeth. The device can be removable or fixed. The removable ramps are fashioned from soft materials such as acrylic or gel.

Wearing them eases tension in your jaw muscles. Bite blocks make teeth alignment with braces more efficient, resulting in a faster result and a perfect smile.

Importance of Bite Blocks

Importance of Bite Blocks

For tooth alignment procedures, Alquiza orthodontics employs dental blocks and braces. These tiny devices maintain the braces in good working condition, allowing them to function effectively. They restrict the contact between your upper and lower teeth, preventing damage to the braces and delays in the teeth-straightening or aligning process.

Misaligned teeth can cause your jaw and temporomandibular joint to receive excessive pressure while chewing or clenching. This condition can result in painful chewing, gum diseases, and enamel wear. Fortunately, bite blocks can relieve the pressure when fitted to the teeth. Besides straightening teeth, orthodontic treatment also corrects improper bites.

Orthodontist specialists may also have dental turbos recommended for an underbite or overbite. They are also helpful in the rectification of overcrowded teeth and mouth breathing. Besides, some orthodontic specialists may use only bite turbos to correct crossbites in children.

Time Spent Wearing Bite Blocks

The duration of your orthodontic treatment determines how long you can use the dental blocks. It would help if you used the orthodontic appliances until your teeth are well aligned, and the bite improves. The corrective procedure may take up to a year. However, some cases may require less treatment time. It is best to follow a specialist’s instructions on dental bites.

Getting used to the dental blocks fitted over your teeth may take some time. Consequently, you may find it challenging to chew food during the first week. Consuming soft foods is ideal as you adapt to dental blocks. You can also cut food into tiny bits for easy chewing. Besides, you can opt for braces-friendly foods.

Cleaning Your Bite Blocks

Cleaning Your Bite BlocksKeeping your bite blocks clean is necessary. It keeps food particles and bacteria from becoming stuck in your teeth. You can brush your teeth after meals and use a water flosser for braces. The tips below will help you clean your teeth properly:

  • After using the ramps, rinse them with water to remove debris or saliva.
  • Scrub the blocks with water and mild soap to eliminate bacteria that might accumulate on them during the night.
  • Thoroughly rinse the blocks with water after scrubbing.
  • Use a clean towel to dry the dental bites.
  • Then, store the bite blocks in a case with a cover to prevent dust from getting to them.
  • Issues associated with bites and blocks
  • You may experience problems with dental bites placed on your teeth. Below are the common concerns with these orthodontic appliances and how to resolve them.

Soreness: You may experience discomfort after wearing your braces and bite blocks. The orthodontic appliances force the jaw to work harder to bite properly. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers to ease the discomfort and pain. However, you can consult Miami orthodontics if the soreness persists.

Chewing problems: You may find it challenging to chew food when your bite blocks are newly placed. The presence of these orthodontic appliances alters the functioning of your jaw muscles. It will take some days before you can chew properly. However, consuming soft and non-chew foods will be a good idea during this period.

As your teeth get used to the blocks, you can chew food. However, cutting your food into smaller pieces that will be less vigorous and won’t make you uncomfortable is best.

Speech impairment: Bite blocks fitted over your teeth can cause difficulty speaking. This problem arises when the dental turbines inhibit the movement of the tongue. You can correct this issue by practicing how to speak, starting with simple words and then sentences. Over time, your speech will improve.

Worn dental blocks: Your bite blocks may fail to prevent contact between the upper and lower teeth if their material wears down. One of the blocks may also need to be found. A Doral orthodontist can replace your braces if they are no longer functioning effectively. However, it is normal if you bite only one block without discomfort.

When properly used, bite blocks can make orthodontic treatment with braces more effective and faster. Following your orthodontist’s instructions can help you achieve the best results with bite blocks.

Retainers After Braces_ Use and Cleaning Guidelines

You can look glamorous when you smile. Unfortunately, not everyone has a beautiful smile. If such is the case, orthodontic specialists can help enhance your smile and appearance. Using orthodontic appliances, these professionals can correct teeth and jaw flaws such as crooked teeth and improper bites.

Solution for an Attractive Smile

Well-aligned and straight teeth can help you have a perfect smile. Orthodontic specialists temporarily place dental braces on teeth to align and straighten them. The professionals tighten an archwire inserted through the device to shift the teeth into the desired positions. Adults, teens, and children can align their teeth using braces.

A Miami orthodontist can use braces to correct the position of the jaw and teeth. When attached directly to the teeth, the brackets and the archwire inserted in them apply pressure to the teeth. Over time, the teeth move to their proper position. Sometimes, dentists use rubber bands to reinforce the braces, applying more pressure on the teeth.

Various types of dental braces exist. However, your dentist can help you identify the best fit for you. The devices are attached to the front of the teeth or the backside. In the latter case, the retainers are hidden. Lingual braces are ideal if you want aligners that are not visible to others. Furthermore, Invisalign uses clear tooth aligners to correct tooth position.

The Second Phase of Orthodontic Care

Using braces is the active stage of orthodontic treatment. When you get the braces off, you must enter the retention phase to ensure that the alignment lasts. However, a retainer maintains your teeth in the right position by preventing them from shifting after being aligned. The orthodontic retainers are either made of wire or transparent plastic.

After getting off the braces, your orthodontic situation determines how long you will use the retainers. You may be required to wear it throughout the day in the first months after removing the braces or only at night. Following an orthodontist’s instructions on using and maintaining retainers to achieve the best results is necessary.

Getting the Best Results after Tooth Alignment

Getting the Best Results after Tooth Alignment

If you discontinue orthodontic treatment, your teeth may revert to their crooked position after you remove your braces. Retainers can help keep the teeth straight and in their new position, providing better results. Consequently, you will have a beautiful smile when you wear these orthodontic appliances according to your orthodontist’s instructions.

The orthodontic retainers can be fixed or removable. Orthodontic specialists take patients through the pros and cons of each type of retainer before choosing one suitable for their dentition. After assessing your orthodontic situation, a Doral orthodontist can determine how long you will wear retainers and whether they should be removable or fixed.

Fixed or permanent retainers are ideal for the upper arch and are a good option for individuals who may need to remember consistently wearing the device. The retainers are glued to the teeth and secured by a small bar attached to the backside. This type of retainer is hidden and doesn’t significantly affect how the teeth feel.

On the other hand, removable retainers are worn at intervals as instructed by orthodontists. Depending on the severity of the corrected dental issue, you may wear the orthodontic appliances for a year or a few months. Initially, you may be required to wear the retainers throughout the day for months and later during specified periods, like at night.

Removing your removable retainers while eating is necessary to keep them clean. Besides, it will help you maintain the device. The removable retainers include the types mentioned below:

Hawley retainers: These retainers are made of acrylic and wire. The wire surrounds the teeth to keep the device in position and can be adjusted for minor alignment corrections. These retainers are easy to clean and can last longer when carefully handled.

Essix retainers are clear teeth aligners that go from canine to canine.

It resembles an Invisalign.

Zendura retainers: The retainers are tough and can resist stress.
Using retainers after getting your braces off keeps your teeth in the right position. Besides, these orthodontic appliances can correct issues like tongue thrust and bruxism.

Keeping Your Retainers Clean

Keeping Your Retainers CleanBacteria can accumulate on the retainers just as they do on the teeth. If you keep your teeth aligners clean, they will develop a good odor. Besides, a greasy white film will form on them. If you don’t clean your retainers, the layer hardens and becomes difficult to remove. Keeping your retainers odor-free, clean, and safe would be better than replacing the device.

When brushing your teeth after each meal, clean your fixed retainers. Thoroughly brush under the wire with toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. Then, use dental floss. The brushing method could be better for transparent Essix retainers. It will result in scratches on the clear plastic, making the retainers visible.

You can easily clean your removable retainers when you take them out, and it is best to do so at night. When you remove the retainers, a quick rinse with warm water can wash off surface bacteria. Avoid using antibacterial wipes on the device, as their content can be toxic if it comes in contact with the mouth. Besides, it will help if you carefully avoid breaking the device. Ensure that you place it in its case when you are not wearing it.

Soaking retainers in an alcohol-based mouthwash or a weak hydrogen peroxide solution can kill germs. However, it won’t remove the slimy white buildup on the orthodontic appliances. Instead, the harsh chemicals will damage the retainers’ plastic surfaces over time and turn them yellow. Denture cleaning tablets meant for false teeth can have the same effect when used on retainers.

It is best to use cleaning products formulated by manufacturers of retainers. These products can eliminate germs and the greasy white layer without damaging the plastic retainers. You need to follow the cleaning instructions to obtain the best results. Besides, a good case will help keep your retainers safe. Wrapping it in a napkin is a sure way to lose it.

Your teeth will shift back to their crooked position if you fail to wear retainers after removing the braces. Though you may not notice it at first, the relapse in tooth alignment will become apparent with time. Fortunately, wearing your retainers will maintain your teeth in the right position, giving you a perfect smile.

fix an overbite

What exactly is an overbite?

When the upper teeth are 30 to 50% larger than the lower teeth, it is called overbite or overbite. Malocclusion is the medical term for this problem. Sometimes an overbite appears to be a problem with a person’s teeth, but in reality, it’s that person’s teeth and jaws are not aligned properly. Overbites can run in families, as some people are born with abnormally shaped breasts that develop unevenly as they grow.

Do you know what is the most common dental issue? Teeth gapping.

Millions of people visit dental clinics because they want to get rid of teeth gapping. You might know that dentists can straighten crooked teeth with the help of braces and Invisalign aligners. Within a year, you can observe the changes in your teeth’s position.

After reading this, the first thought that comes to your mind is – can braces help fix the gap in the teeth? According to a survey, 70% of dentists claim that their patients ask for help to fill the gap in teeth. It shows that the gap in teeth is a global problem and needs a perfect, long-lasting solution. With this article, you will get all the information regarding the teeth gap and its solution.

What Is Teeth Gapping?

The technical term for the gap between the teeth is diastema. The gap between the teeth can be for two teeth or more than that. Sometimes, patients have gaps in an entire set of teeth. Tooth gaps can occur anywhere in the teeth set. Usually, people have a gap between their front teeth.

But the gapping can be between the molars too. The gapping in teeth is a dental concern that can be mild or severe. Based on the condition of the patient. The dentists or orthodontists suggest them the correct treatment. If you have a gap between the teeth, your orthodontist would either recommend braces or Invisalign.

Getting treatment for the orthodontic problem is crucial. If you delay, it may lead to other difficulties in the body. Some people have speech issues and digestive issues. Due to excessive gapping in the teeth, there is a risk to the jawbone. The jawbones become weak, and there is a risk of tooth decay and tooth loss. If you do not get timely treatment for it, the difficulties will increase.

Why Do You Have Gap Between Teeth?

teeth gaps issues

There are multiple causes of the gap between teeth. Some common reasons are given below.

Genetic Issues

The issue of the gap between the teeth is genetic. Suppose your parents are having such dental issues, then you can have crooked teeth or gaps in teeth. You will also suffer from similar problems. If the teeth are small and cannot complete the arch, there will be a gap in between the teeth.

Unhealthy Oral Habits

When your children’s milk teeth fall, the permanent teeth start erupting. Be sure to maintain the oral health of your child. If the child has a habit of thumb sucking or finger-licking, it will have an impact on the positioning of his or her teeth.

Missing Teeth

It is another problem that causes a gap in the teeth. If not filled, it can cause various dental diseases.

Are Braces Useful In Filling The Gap Between The Teeth?

A simple answer to this is yes. Braces are helpful in filling up the gap between the teeth. You can use different kinds of braces – ceramic braces or metal braces, to fill up the gap between the teeth. According to orthodontists, braces are a good option for fixing the gap between the teeth, as they shift the position of the teeth and lead to a gradual reduction in the gap between the teeth.

But you should meet your orthodontist before you take any decision. They will diagnose your condition and analyze your oral health. If you have any other complications apart from a gap in teeth, the orthodontists will inform you. All the dental treatments would be customized according to the problems you face. Braces have rubber band-like features that can help in improving the space between the teeth. Along with the bands, some help in pulling the teeth to the correct position.

Is Invisalign Good For Fixing The Gap Between Teeth?

Invisalign for straighten crooked teeth

Yes, Invisalign is a good option when you want to fix the gap in the teeth. With the help of Invisalign, you can maintain ideal spacing between teeth. The dentists will scan the teeth to get their position. Besides, they will conduct an oral examination to know the condition of the teeth.

Based on the detailed report, the dentists will prepare a computerized model of the teeth. This model will help in designing the Invisalign aligners. The entire set of aligners will help you fix the gap between the teeth. Invisalign aligners are clear and are not visible to others. Thus, you can wear them throughout the day.


Are you in search of the best dentist to fix the gap in teeth? Consult the best dentists in town – Miami Orthodontists. The professionals here are highly qualified and will offer you the best dental treatment. They will develop a dental treatment plan that works with your lifestyle and is within your budget.